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Mitigating Liability On A Hunting Lease

POSTED ON: 11 August 2023

Leasing private land to individuals for the purpose of hunting dates back nearly a century ago in Texas. Since then, millions of hunters have enjoyed the pursuit of wild game without any incident.  However, recreational hunting on private lands involves many risks that go beyond those of using firearms on the property.  Landowners and hunters alike, should consider some type of risk mitigation by using a comprehensive insurance policy to protect them from liability. 

Hunting lease insurance is an affordable way transfer monetary risk way from both landowner and the hunter invitee. Other than weapons, many other risks remain such as the operation of motorized vehicles, treacherous terrain, falling from elevated hunting stands and property dam...+ More Details

Leasing private land to individuals for the purpose of hunting dates back nearly a century ago in Texas. Since then, millions of hunters have enjoyed the pursuit of wild game without any incident.  However, recreational hunting on private lands involves many risks that go beyond those of using firearms on the property.  Landowners and hunters alike, should consider some type of risk mitigation by using a comprehensive insurance policy to protect them from liability. 

Hunting lease insurance is an affordable way transfer monetary risk way from both landowner and the hunter invitee. Other than weapons, many other risks remain such as the operation of motorized vehicles, treacherous terrain, falling from elevated hunting stands and property damage. According to the Real Estate Center Journal, The Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Code (TCPRC Ch. 75) provides protection to landowners for anyone entering the property for recreational purposes in the form of liability caps only if the owner, lessee or occupant has liability coverage in effect equal to or greater than the specified amounts. Most Hunting lease insurance policies are written with these limits in mind.

Having comprehensive lease agreement with clearly written rules and the acknowledgement of know risks on a property can help reduce the chances for something going wrong.  However, when things do, a comprehensive insurance policy is indespensible tool in mitigating financial risk to all parties involved. 



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