Hunting - Hog

Wednesday, February 07, 2024, 09:21 PM

The United States is currently facing a significant challenge in the form of a feral hogs, an invasive species that has been wreaking havoc on ecosystems, agriculture, and infrastructure due to its population explosion. This article aims to explore the feral hog problem in the United States, its

The United States is currently facing a significant challenge in the form of a feral hogs, an invasive species that has been wreaking havoc on ecosystems, agriculture, and infrastructure due to its population explosion. This article aims to explore the feral hog problem in the United States, its causes, impacts, and potential solutions.

Some of the causes of the feral hog problem in the United States can be traced back to the 1500s when European explorers brought domestic pigs to the Americas. Over time, some of these pigs escaped or were released into the wild, leading to the establishment of feral populations. Their ability to adapt and multiply rapidly are also key reasons for their population growth.

Feral hogs have a significant negative impact on the environment, agriculture, and infrastructure. They are known to damage crops, compete with native wildlife for food and habitat, and contribute to soil erosion. Additionally, their rooting behavior can lead to damage to infrastructure, such as roads, levees, and waterways. Furthermore, these hogs are also known to carry diseases that can be transmitted to livestock and humans. These diseases include swine brucellosis, pseudorabies, and trichinellosis. The presence of feral hogs can also lead to the spread of invasive plant species, as they can consume native plants and create openings for invasive plants to establish.

Several strategies have been proposed to address the feral hog problem in the United States. These include:

  1. Hunting and trapping: One of the most common methods of controlling feral hog populations is through hunting and trapping. This helps to reduce the population size and can also provide a source of meat for human consumption. In the state of Texas, you don't even need a license to hunt them, and there many hunting leases that offer hog hunting as well.

  2. Fencing: Installing fences to keep feral hogs out of sensitive areas, such as crop fields and nature reserves, can be an effective way to minimize their impacts on the environment and agriculture. However, fencing can be expensive to install and maintain, and it may not be practical in all situations.

  3. Biological control: The use of biological control agents, such as diseases or parasites, has been proposed as a way to reduce feral hog populations. However, this method can be risky, as it may inadvertently harm native wildlife or have unintended consequences for human health.

  4. Public awareness and education: Raising public awareness about the negative impacts of feral hogs and encouraging responsible behavior, such as not feeding feral hogs or releasing domesticated pigs into the wild, can help to reduce the problem over time.

The feral hog problem in the United States is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach to address. By combining various strategies, such as hunting and trapping, fencing, biological control, and public awareness, it is possible to minimize the negative impacts of feral hogs on the environment, agriculture, and infrastructure. It is crucial for stakeholders, including government agencies, landowners, and hunters, to work together to find sustainable solutions to this growing problem.

Saturday, October 12, 2019, 08:13 PM

Have you been contemplating a hog hunt in your near future? Whether you have pesky hogs invading your property or are looking for meat to store away, you'll need to be up

Have you been contemplating a hog hunt in your near future? Whether you have pesky hogs invading your property or are looking for meat to store away, you'll need to be up to speed with the latest hog hunting tips. Why is knowing these tips so important?

Well, a hog hunt can be a bit of a challenge. These animals are smart creatures and you'd be surprised at how well they can scurry away from you, even after being hit! Having good hog hunting knowledge in your back pocket is the best way to ensure that you get the job done right the first time with as much ease as possible. 

Are you up for the challenge? It's time to understand a couple of tips and tricks when it comes to hog hunting. Once you have these down pact, then you can begin your hunt!

1. Choose the Right Firearm

When deciding to go hog hunting, you'll need to ensure that you have the right type of firearm. Keep in mind that hog hunting isn't like deer hunting. It's a very different type of hunt and one single shot to the hog isn't going to bring it down in most cases.

The only reason why a single shot would bring the hog down is if the shot was taken perfectly and you hit the hog directly in the heart. Otherwise, you should prepare for the hog to fight back. Because the hogs can become so aggressive, you want to use a high-powered, multi-shot rifle. 

You can also consider using a shotgun with a choke. This will provide you with a tight pattern, which will help you in taking the hog down.

2. Choose the Right Ammo

Your next step is to choose the right type of ammo. At this point, you're most likely well aware that taking down the hog isn't an easy thing to do. With that being said, high-velocity ammo is the best way to go.

Choose bullets that can really pack a punch and that are hard-cast and hollow-point. 

3. Locate Their Trails

Fortunately for you, hog signs are unmistakable. And in most cases, hogs will use trails that are already heavily used. Be on the lookout for sandy trails with lots of hog tracks in them.

If you find one, you'll probably notice that there's a lot of tracks on one trail. Also, keep in mind that hogs will use their snouts to search for food. And because they drag their snouts on the ground, this will leave a trail as well. 

4. Use Their Territorial Traits Against Them

Hogs in the wild are aggressive and enjoy getting into fights. This is one of the reasons why you have to be so cautious in the firearm and ammo that you choose when hunting these creatures. But, there's an upside to this aggressive nature as well. 

You can use their territorial traits against them. A hog is so territorial that it'll respond better to a hog call better than any other wild animal. When hunting, if you see a hog hiding behind bushes, or if you think there's one nearby but can't spot it, use your hog call. 

It'll come out faster than you think.

5. Use Hog Calls

As briefly stated above, using hog calls is a great way to get a hog out in the open. However, do keep in mind that because these animals are so aggressive, you'll want to keep a safe distance from it when deciding to make the call. Use predator sounds in short bursts to get the hog's attention.

Remember to send them from a downwind position. The hog will most likely remove itself from its cover and begin to charge. You can also have a recording of piglets in distress and play that to get the hog's attention. 

The hog will become defensive, believing that offspring are in danger, and will ultimately out into the open. 

6. Consider Hunting at Night

Over the years, hog hunting has become more and more popular. With this rise in popularity, the hogs have shifted their own behaviors to keep themselves from being hunted. One of the ways that hogs have changed their behaviors is by coming out during the nighttime. 

Because of this, one of the best times to hunt hogs is at night while their feeding. Do keep in mind, however, that'll you'll need some good hog hunting equipment for nighttime hunting. An excellent light is a good starting place. 

7. Have Good Shot Placement

Once you see a hog and are ready to shoot it, you'll need to have a good shot placement if you want to take it down on your first try. You don't want to shoot a wild hog as you would shoot a wild deer. The vitals on a hog are much lower than a deer's and more towards the front of their bodies. 

For an effective shot, aim for behind the ears, through both front shoulders, and aim down low. 

Keep These Hog Hunting Tips in Mind!

When you're planning on going on a wild hog chase, be sure to keep these hog hunting tips in mind. Hogs are smart and aggressive animals so you want to hunt with caution and skills on your side. Knowing these tips is a great start to doing just that!

And when you're ready to create a free lease to publish on our website, click here!